Claude Monet in the museums

Version Francaise :

Le Musée du Havre 1873 Private Coll.


Museums in Europe
Museums in America
Museums in Asia
Museums in Oceania

Museums in Europe


In Paris

PARIS - Musée Marmottan
The largest collection of Monet's works and memories : 87 paintings and drawings. The famous "Impression : soleil levant" which gave the movement its name. Photographs, portraits Monet made of his children, 2 palettes he used, etc.
PARIS - Musée de l'Orangerie
Monet's masterpiece "Les décorations des Nympheas" that he gifted to the State to celebrate 1918 victory. The paintings are displayed in two oval rooms especially designed for them. 
PARIS - Musée d'Orsay

The national collection of works by Monet. Early works, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe, Femmes au jardin, La pie, Les Coquelicots à Argenteuil, Le pont d'Argenteuil, Les dindons, la cathédrale de Rouen, etc.

in Normandy

VERNON - Musée municipal A.G. Poulain
The museum closest to Giverny. Two paintings given by Monet himself to the town, including a rare circular Nympheas.
ROUEN - Musée des Beaux-Arts
"Cathédrale de Rouen", "Jour de fête rue Saint Denis", etc.
HONFLEUR - Musée Eugène Boudin
LE HAVRE - Musée des Beaux Arts André Malraux

Elsewhere in France

CANNES - Musée des Beaux Arts
COLMAR - Musée Unterlinden
DIJON - Musée des Beaux Arts
GRENOBLE - Musée des Beaux Arts
LILLE - Musée des Beaux Arts
LYON -Musée des Beaux-Arts
NANTES - Musée des Beaux-Arts
REIMS - Musée de Saint-Denis
SAINT ETIENNE - Musée Municipal d'Art et d'Industrie 


ABERDEEN - Art Gallery and Museum
CAMBRIDGE - Fitzwilliam Museum
CARDIFF - National Gallery of Wales
EDINBURGH - National Gallery of Scotland
GLASGOW - Art Gallery and Museum
LIVERPOOL - Walker Art Gallery
LONDON - Courtauld Institute Gallery
LONDON - National Gallery
LONDON - Tate Gallery
OXFORD - Ashmolean
SOUTHAMPTON - City Art Gallery
SWANSEA - Glyn Vivian Art Gallery and Museum


LA HAYE - Gemeentemuseum
OTTERLO - State Museum Kröller-Müller
ROTTERDAM - Museum Boymans
ROTTERDAM - Van Beuningen


TOURNAI Musée des Beaux Arts : Le cap Martin 1884
LIEGE Musée d'Art Moderne : Le bassin du commerce, Le Havre 1874


BASEL - Kunstmuseum
LUGANO - Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza
NEUCHATEL - Musée d'art et d'histoire
SAINT GALL - Kunstmuseum
ZURICH - Fondation, collection E.G. Bührle
ZURICH - Kunsthaus


BREMEN - Kunsthalle (Femme à la robe verte)
DRESDEN - Gemäldegalerie
ESSEN - Volkwang Museum
FRANKFURT - Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut
HAMBURG - Hamburger Kunsthalle
KOLN - Wallraf, Rchartz Museum
MANNHEIM - Städtische Kunsthalle
BERLIN - Neue Nationalgalerie
MUNCHEN - Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
MUNCHEN - Neue Pinakothek
STUTTGART - Staatsgalerie
WUPPERTAL - Museum der Stadt


VIENNE - Kunsthistorisches Museum
VIENNE - Österreichische Galerie


BUDAPEST - Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum


DUBLIN - Municipal Gallery of Modern Art


TEL AVIV - Museum of Art


ROMA - Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna


LISBOA - Fundaçao Gulbenkian


COPENHAGUE - Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek


GÖTEBORG - Konstmuseum
STOCKHOLM - Nationalmuseum


MOSCOU - Pouchkine Museum

Museums in America


AMHERST (Ma) - Mead Art Museum Amherst College
ANN ARBOR - University of Michigan Museum of Art
BALTIMORE - Museum of Art
BALTIMORE - Walters Art Gallery
BUFFALO - Albright-Knox Gallery
BOSTON - Museum of Fine Arts
Bassin aux Nympheas
CAMBRIDGE (Ma) - Fog Art Museum
CHICAGO - Art Institute
CLEVELAND - Museum of Art
DALLAS (Tx) - Museum of Art
DAYTON (Ohio) Dayton Art Institute
DENVER - Art Museum
DETROIT - Institute of Arts
FARMINGTON - Hill-Stead Museum
FORTWORTH (Tx) - Kimball Art Museum
HARTFORD  - Wadsworth Atheneum
HONOLULU - Museum of Art
HOUSTON  - Museum of FineArts
INDIANAPOLIS - Museum of Art
KANSAS CITY  - Museum of Art
KANSAS CITY  - Nelson Atkins Museum
LOUISVILLE  (Kentucky) - Speed Art Museum
LOS ANGELES - County Museum of Art
MANCHESTER - Currier Gallery of Art
MILWAUKEE - (Wisconsin) Milwaukee Art Museum
MINNEAPOLIS - Institute of Arts
NEW YORK - Metropolitan Museum of Art
Les quatre arbres, Les peupliers à Giverny, La Manneporte, le bassin aux Nympheas
NEW YORK - Brooklyn Museum
NEW YORK - Museum of Modern Art
NORTHAMPTON (MA) - Smith College Museum
OBERLIN - Allen Memorial Art Museum
PHILADELPHIA - Museum of Art
PHOENIX - Art Museum
Les arceaux fleuris
PITTSBURGH - Carnegie Museum of Art
PORTLAND - Art Museum
PRINCETON (New Jersey) -Princeton University Museum of Art
RALEIGH (N. Ca) - The North Carolina Museum of Art
RICHMOND - Museum of Art
SAN DIEGO - Museum of Art
SAN FRANCISCO - California Palace of the Legion of Honor
SAN ANTONIO (Texas) The Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum
SANTA BARBARA (California) - Museum of Art
SAINT LOUIS - Art Museum
SAINT PETERSBURG - (Florida) Museum of Fine Arts
SHELBURNE (Vermont) - Shelburne Museum
SPRINGFIELD (Ma) - Museum of Fine Arts
TOLEDO - Museum of Art
WASHINGTON - National Gallery of Art
Jean Monet dans son berceau, 1867
WASHINGTON DC - Kreeger Museum
WILLIAMSTOWN (Ma) - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
WORCESTER (Ma) - Worcester Museum of Art


OTTAWA - National Gallery of Canada
MONTREAL - Musées des Beaux-Arts


SAO PAULO  - Museu de Arte

Museums in Asia


TOKYO - National Museum of Western Art
TOKYO - Bridgestone Museum of Art
KURASHIKI - Ohara Museum of Art

Museums in Oceania


DUNEDIN - Public Art Gallery

Giverny guided day trip tour in bus or minibus
Giverny Day Trips

ticket for monet garden Buy online your e-ticket to visit Giverny Claude Monet's home and gardens. ticket for monet garden

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Modified : Friday, 24-Apr-2020 03:23:53 EDT